The OPTIGRABBER: The Stick-Anywhere Sunglass Holder

The OPTIGRABBER: The Stick-Anywhere Sunglass Holder

Here at Bomber Eyewear, we love cool gadgets -- honestly, our love of cool stuff forms the backbone of our business! Recently, we partnered with a fantastic designer to roll out a unique accessory for the Bomber community.

Meet the OPTIGRABBER, your solution for never losing your sunglasses again!

This nifty little cool sunglasses holder sticks onto virtually any flat surface, and is designed to keep your Bomber gear within arm's reach whenever you need it. 

How does it work?

The Optigrabber is a convenient accessory that sticks to just about anything. Simply peel off the adhesive back and press it in place in a spot you're likely to store your sunnies: the dashboard of your car, above your workstation, within arm's reach of your power tools. 

The clever design lets you slip your sunnies into place so they hang by the frames. This secure little gadget holds the range of Bomber gear, from our sleek, fashionable styles to our tough safety glasses. 

See the OPTIGRABBER in action here:


The Optigrabber is perfect for workshops and construction sites too -- Check it out in action! 


Okay, that's pretty neat -- Where can I get one?

You can snag an Optigrabber here. At $2.50 a pop, these sporty little gadgets make great stocking stuffers, too!

Can I get a bunch for my friends?

Of course! At Bomber, the Optigrabber is available in packs of 1, 5, or 20. They make a great giveaway for offices and are a critical part of inventory for a construction site or workshop. 

Check out the whole range of Bomber accessories here: from face masks to glasses straps and everything in between! Whether you're looking for our famous patented floating sunnies, a fashion statement, or safety gear that works as hard as you do, we've got you covered at Bomber Eyewear. 

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