Bomber's New Years Resolutions: Start 2021 with Style

Can you believe 2020 is almost over?!

Yeah, we know the hellscape-dumpster-fire-endless-screaming of this year has been A LOT, but we've made it all the way here. And as we set our sights on ringing in a New Year with a lot more promise, we're back again to focus on positivity and encouragement with our New Years Resolutions.

Sure, we all have the basic resolutions like "lose weight" and "save money," (SO 2018, am I right?) but these resolutions take us in a new direction -- one focused on positivity, empathy, and inspiration.

Here's to 2021, here's to YOU, and here's to a year that looks nothing like the one that came before it. 

Hike 100 miles of new trails.

Instead of a vague "get in shape" goal, give yourself a concrete active goal to work toward. Bonus points if it's creative and outdoorsy. This goal gets you up and moving and out in the Great Outdoors -- adjust your resolution based on your experience level and location. No mountains nearby? Aim to explore 100 miles of beaches, or 25 different parks. 

Learn stories that are different from your own. 

Instead of a simple "be nicer" goal, challenge yourself to learn from the people around you. Ask your neighbor (you know, the one you nod at but have never actually talked to) to tell you where they grew up. Challenge yourself to learn to say "hello" in five new languages. Make 2021 all about experiencing things outside of your usual routine. 

Start a side hustle.

Instead of the insurmountable "make more money" resolution, set out to set yourself up for success by creating a side hustle. What's a hobby you could turn into cash? If you like baking, start a cookie delivery service. If you're good at doing the family taxes, offer to outsource accounting for small businesses. Even if it's just something you do once and never pick up again, you've successfully side hustled. 

Cook recipes from 20 different countries. 

Instead of blah "cook more at home," kick it up a notch with a culinary challenge! Find recipes online or in books from a variety of cuisines and countries. Explore things you've never heard of before, like Latvian piragi or Ethiopian doro wat. Get creative -- and delicious! 

Break a bad habit.

Instead of that "get healthy" mantra, make your resolution to find one bad habit of yours and break it -- for good. Looking to kick cigarettes? That's your goal now! Want to stop biting your nails? Invest in that sour nail polish and go to town! You've got this -- by making your resolution more actionable instead of vague, you can conquer anything. 

Give back to those in need. 

Instead of "making more money" or "putting more into savings," set yourself a goal for charitable giving this year. Whether that's a dollar amount or a percentage, make philanthropy part of your budget. Seriously -- you'll feel so much better about the world knowing you're taking steps to improve it. If you don't feel like you can contribute a lump sum to charity, consider joining a giving circle or supporting the Patreon of an artist or activist. No dollar is too small. 

Be yourself. 

Most importantly, make 2021 the year to be yourself. 2020 showed us that we need to celebrate the good things in life -- and the best thing you can be is yourself. Whether that means digging into your personal style and stocking up on sunnies (like we would end this blog without a sunglasses plug ;-) ), or finding creative ways to stay true to your identity, don't let anyone hold you back this New Year. 

We wish you the happiest and most exciting New Year possible. As we head into 2021, look out for new launches, exciting updates, restocks (YES, we know you love the BUZZ Bomb, and we're so glad!!!), and more. We're so glad you're along for the ride with us -- and we can't wait to see what 2021 has in store! 




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