Eye Safety Tips for Runners

Raise your hand if your New Year’s Resolution is to run more! 🙋
Whether you’re an avid runner or are just starting out…there may be some eye-safety tips that you’re not taking into consideration. You can run as fast as you can, but eye injuries will always catch up to you! 🏃
Wow, that sounded threatening -- sorry for the spook! Luckily, we've got tips and tricks for keeping your eyes safe on the (literal) run.
Side Shields
We recommend getting a pair of glasses that come with attachable side shields to protect your eyes from the sideways wind and debris that can catch you off guard. The BUZZ Bomb safety glasses and the Clutch come with detachable side shields to protect you from just that!
Wear a Hat or Headband
Sweat can easily cause stinging and irritation to the eyes. So, stop sweat from getting into your eyes while you run by wearing a hat or headband.
Don’t Rub Your Eyes
Let’s say something DOES in fact get into your eyes mid-run. DON’T RUB IT! Since you don’t know what got into your eye—rubbing it will only make it worse. Instead look for a place to wash out your eye or keep some eye drops on you.
UVA and UVB Ray Blockers
Look for a pair of specialized glasses that protect your eyes from UVA and UVB rays. Such as the BOOGIE Bomb, which features a polarized tint and a 100% UVA and UVB protection.
Polarized Lenses
Polarized Lenses cut down on glare which can be helpful if you’re running near water (say on the beach) or even in the snow.
Colored Lenses
Colored lenses such as copper, orange, yellow/amber and brown can be helpful in low-light situations because they make everything appear brighter. They also enhance contrast and depth perception and are great for overcast, hazy and foggy conditions.
Anti-Fog, Water Resistant & Anti-Glare
If you do live in a foggier area or just had to go for that “mid-thunderstorm” sprint, then invest in anti-fog and water-resistant glasses (or even floating ones, like ours!). Of course, if you’re the complete opposite and only run in the sunshine, then an anti-glare lens will help keep redirect the sun from your eyes to elsewhere.
Micro-Fiber Cloths
When packing for your run, be sure to keep some micro-fiber cloths on you in case you need to clean your glasses. Resist the urge to clean your lenses on your shirt or jacket, because this can scratch or otherwise damage your glasses in the long run.
Sweat Test
Finally, if you've just bought a new pair of glasses or you're just starting out on the runner's path, it's a good idea to sweat test your glasses! Dampen your face with a splash of water (or one of those neato spray fan thingies), then put your glasses on and shake your head around like an idiot. *Cough* We mean, dance around or jump up and down to see that they're secure. Make sure that they are the right fit and won’t fall off your face the minute you start to sweat a little bit -- as we all know, you'll really start sweating when you hit the road!
We offer a variety of polarized and specialized glasses for you to take on your next run! Show off your running Bomber glasses by tagging us on Instagram @bombereyewear 😎!